National Heritage Week is celebrated during the month of October, the month the rest of the world celebrates as heritage month.
It is usually observed annually during the week leading up to the third Monday in October. So, this year, 2019, National Heritage Week will be held between October 13 - October 21 2019.
Each year, National Heritage Week is given a catchy, appealing theme that encompasses and promotes Jamaica’s heritage.
This year (2019) the theme is: “Our Heritage, A Great Legacy”
Throughout the duration of Heritage Week, a series of activities are held island wide that encourages solidarity and rekindles Jamaican pride amongst the population.
The events that take place during National Heritage Week are usually managed by the Jamaica Cultural Development Committee (JCDC), which is an agency of the Ministry OF Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sports.
This organization is usually responsible for the planning and coordination of several cultural events and promoting Jamaica’s culture and history.
Here is a list of activities that usually occur during National Heritage Week:
Thanksgiving Church Services- This is usually the initial event for National Heritage Week. It is usually Christian focused, however during Heritage Week 2017 there was an Interfaith Thanksgiving service which was held at the University Chapel at University of the West Indies, Mona which saw other religions participating in the program. There are also:
Floral Tributes
Candle light vigils
Tours of Historical sites
School Tours
Heritage Festivals
Exhibitions and Displays
National Heritage Concert, and...
National Hero’s Day Salute and Awards ceremony – The last day of National Heritage Week is acknowledged as National Hero’s Day, which occurs on the third Monday in October. This is usually the last event of National Heritage Week. This ceremony acknowledges those who has contributed to the overall development of Jamaica in one way or another.
In addition, creativity is also encouraged through the duration of this event. The Jamaica Information Service (JIS) is hosting a Heritage Competition which requires participants to utilize their skills to portray Jamaica’s heritage through poetry, posters or photographs.
If you are vacationing during this time, don't miss the opportunity to educate and entertain yourself during the festivities.
I hope this helps!
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JNHT Celebrates Heritage Month under the Theme: “One Love, One Family, One Heritage”,